Harlem One Stop

After 100 years the Harlem Hellfighters nickname is finally official

NEW YORK — The Harlem Hellfighters are now officially the Harlem Hellfighters.

100 years after the New York National Guard’s 369th Infantry Regiment earned the nickname in World War I, the Army has recognized the right of 369th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers to call themselves Hellfighters.

The Army Center of Military History, which approved the official designation on Sept. 21, 2020, also made it clear that Hellfighters is one word and not two.

The 369th joins 717 other Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve units—some of which are no longer around- which have official special designations.

These range from the 3rd Infantry Division’s “Marne Division” nickname earned in World War I, to the 179th Aviation Company of the Vietnam War which called itself “Shrimp Boats.”

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Source: DVIDS